April Monarchy Update

Greetings Northern Lights,

Welcome to the 10th Anniversary Reign!!!!!! Yes, folks, this is the reign in which we will celebrate 10 years as a Kingdom. Let’s make it a great summer full of battlegames and honorable fighting.

That being said we have a campout scheduled to End the Reign, like I announced last night we are looking for bids for the next month.

Speaking of this next month, here is what’s going on around the kingdom for April 2022

Apr 2-3 IO/SM/GWK Coronation, These three parks always know how to have a good parkday, if you are looking for a focused day of fun I highly suggest visiting one of them this weekend…. I even hear of a quest at IO.

Apr 9-10 IO Day of the Ditch

Apr 12: KPM/KGMR/ Kingdom Class Guildmasters/ Speaker of Knights/ Chief Herald of the College of Arms/ 3 Board of Director Seats will open.

Apr 16-17: Normal weekend if you have something going on let me know!

Apr 23-24: First KLE of the Reign will be at the hollow on Apr 24. Expect the Relic list to be out early next week as we finalize it and the quest. If you want to help with the quest contact Aiden.

Apr 26: Bids for NLCC Spring 2023 are due.

Apr 30 – May 1:  End of the First Month and NLCC Fall 2022 Bids are due.

That’s the schedule for the month, I will have the Reign Calendar out by next Friday per the Corpora, with all the awesome things going on this Reign.

A few Housekeeping notes:

  1. Check out the website for updates (amtgardnorthernlights.org). I will be trying to cross-post these monthly posts as blog posts.
  2. The Cabin will be opening back up most likely on Friday nights.
  3. Awards: please start using the ORK as your primary award recommendation vehicle.  We continue to use the awards google form, but the ORK is our system of record and so let’s move to it as they improve it.

Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination
I will unite instead of divide. I will bring people together

I will take responsibility for what I have done. If I must fall, I will rise each time a better person

Husthane Murphy O’hygan
Pirate King of the Northern Lights


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