Blades Edge

About Blades Edge

  • Blades Edge Saturday park starting at noon. Games start at 1.
  • Summer months we play at Long Lake. 5100 Long Lake Rd SE, Port Orchard, WA 98367
  • Winter months we are at Jackson Park. 2729 Jackson Ave SE, Port Orchard, WA 98366
  • Fighter Practice is on Tuesday and Fridays at 4:00pm  at Jackson Park during daylight saving months for more day light.


Where Blades Edge Meets

The fields at Long Lake, when facing the lake we are far right hand side by the tree line. Jackson Park, winter months by the playground. Summer months behind the soccer field at the end of parking lot.


Blades Edge was founded on Father’s Day, 2018. We were voted into the Kingdom of the Northern Lights December 15, 2018.