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Greenwood Keep

About Greenwood Keep
- Sundays at noon. Battle games usually start around 1pm.
- Wonderwood Park: 5304 32nd Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503
Greenwood Keep Monarchy
- Duke: Gilernil Ly’Vain
- Regent: Danny Flamevale
- Prime Minister: Dartz Arrowfox
- Champion: Drusk
- Guildmaster of Reeves: Badwolf
Greenwood Keep is known for its elaborate quests, quirky battle games, and sheep.
March 2025 |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
About Wonderwood Park
Wonderwood Park is located in Lacey between College Street and Ruddle Road. It is open from 7 am until dusk. Greenwood Keep normally meets at one of the two main pavilions. These pavilions are first come, first served so they are occasionally not available due to Birthday parties or other gatherings. The pavilions provide good cover from the weather and have a number of picnic tables under them. There is power available in the pavilions, but it is not always on. Bathrooms with running water and drinking fountains are located nearby. There is a children’s playground within sight of the pavilions.
Getting to Wonderwood
Wonderwood Park has three parking lots. Greenwood Keep normally meets in the pavilions near the College Street parking lot. Occasionally the pavilions are not available in which case we can be found in the clearing with the big tree near the tennis courts. We call this place Summer Home or the Fairy Tree. GPS will take you to the closest entrance to your current location. This address will take you to the correct parking lot: 5398 32nd Ave SE, Lacey, WA 98503, USA
The Fields
Our main play area is the large open field next to the two pavilions. It’s a flat, grassy area with enough space to hold large-scale battle games. The turf is usually in good shape, but things can get muddy in the winter so plan on appropriate footwear. The field is open to the pavilion area on the front, has bushes and trees along the sides, and a paved path and wood line along the back. Archery is allowed here, just keep track of any arrows that end up in the bushes.
The secondary field we use on occasion is on the other side of the pavilions. It is a smaller field next to the playground and is much closer to other park goers. The field has a slope to it and it often has standing water in the winter. This field is usually used if something else is happening in the main field.
The Woods
There are 39 acres of woods at Wonderwood park. The area where we run quests and battle games takes up about half of the wooded area and is bordered by the outer edge of the park and the paved path that runs through the middle of the park. A number of trails wind through this section of the woods, with both narrow trails and wide areas. This offers varied terrain for both battle games and quests. Archery is allowed in the woods, just be aware of the dense underbrush.
When playing in the woods be sure to stay on the paths and keep an eye out for other park goers.
The Fairy Tree
On days that both of the pavilions are taken we move over to the Fairy Tree. This usually only happens in the summertime when the park is really busy. The area has a pavement pad with a picnic table. The area is well shaded but has no cover. There is a large clearing with a single, large tree in the middle that we use for battle games.
History of Greenwood Keep
Greenwood Keep was founded in 1999.